• Local Dental Marketing Growth Article | Updated 9/7/2023


To provide free dental education to local schools, enhancing oral health in the community while also introducing your dental practice to potential clients.

Steps to Initiate the Collaboration

  1. Identify Target Schools
    • Research and make a list of schools in your local area.
    • Consider age groups that would benefit most from dental education.
  2. Initial Contact
    • Send out an introductory email or letter to the school administration or the person in charge of health and wellness programs.
    • Follow up with a phone call to gauge interest.
  3. Set Up a Meeting
    • Arrange a meeting with key decision-makers to present your proposal.

Proposal Outline

  1. Introduction
    • Briefly describe your practice and the team.
    • Explain the importance of dental education.
  2. Program Outline
    • Describe the structure of the dental education program.
    • Include topics to be covered, duration, and materials needed.
  3. Benefits to the School
    • List the advantages such as free educational content, improved student health, etc.
  4. Next Steps
    • Detail the timelines and action items, if the school agrees to proceed.

Execution Plan

  1. Material Preparation
    • Create educational materials like pamphlets, slideshows, and activity sheets.
  2. Staff Training
    • Train staff members who will be delivering the program.
  3. Promotion
    • Use the school’s communication channels to promote the upcoming program.
  4. Program Delivery
    • Execute the program as planned.
    • Gather feedback from students and teachers.
  5. Follow-Up
    • Send a thank-you note to the school.
    • Analyze feedback and make necessary adjustments for future programs.

Metrics for Success

  1. Participant Feedback
    • Conduct surveys to assess the effectiveness of the program.
  2. Engagement Metrics
    • Track attendance and participation levels.
  3. New Client Acquisition
    • Monitor any increase in appointments from families introduced through the program.


By offering free dental education to local schools, you not only contribute to community wellness but also create a pathway for families to become acquainted with your practice.