• Local Dental Marketing Growth Article | Updated 9/7/2023

Importance and Steps to Performing a Competitor Analysis for Local Dental Practices


Competition is a reality in any business, and dental practices are no exception. Knowing your competitors can provide you with valuable insights into market trends, pricing strategies, and customer preferences. This article aims to guide you through the essential steps to perform an effective competitor analysis for your local dental practice.

Why is Competitor Analysis Important?

Understanding your competitors helps you to:

  • Identify market gaps
  • Understand industry trends
  • Develop new services
  • Refine marketing strategies
  • Set competitive pricing

Steps to Conduct a Competitor Analysis

Step 1: Identify Your Competitors

Start by creating a list of local dental practices that offer similar services. You can use online directories, Google searches, and recommendations from your network to identify these competitors.

Step 2: Categorize the Competitors

Classify your competitors into different categories such as:

  • Direct competitors: offer similar services and target the same customer base
  • Indirect competitors: offer some similar and some different services
  • Future competitors: new practices that may enter the market

Step 3: Analyze Services and Pricing

Compare the range of services offered and pricing strategies. This will help you identify any services you could add or pricing changes to consider.

Step 4: Assess Online Presence

Examine their website, social media channels, and online reviews. This can offer insights into their marketing strategies and customer satisfaction levels.

Step 5: Visit Their Practice

If possible, consider an anonymous visit to their practice to observe:

  • Customer service
  • Facility cleanliness and technology
  • Overall patient experience

Step 6: SWOT Analysis

Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis on each competitor to understand how you can differentiate your practice.

Step 7: Compile Data and Take Action

Compile all the information into a report and analyze the data to identify areas for improvement or opportunities for differentiation.


Conducting a competitor analysis provides you with the information needed to make informed decisions that can help your dental practice succeed in a competitive market. Regularly updating this analysis ensures that you continue to evolve and stay ahead in the game.